Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Obroni Gets a New Name

After going to a training in the south for a week I stopped off at our friend Austin’s site for his naming ceremony on the way home. His counterpart,Clement, wanted to officially give him his Ghanaian name. They had outfits made out of the same fabric for the occasion. Clement’s hat was absolutely ridiculous so everyone took a turn wearing it .

IMG_2294 IMG_2296 Austin with Melissa in the hat Our friend Jason rocking the hat


Nikki also gave it a try


Clement with Austin ….and yes that is a sleeveless shirt


Clement gave a speech, “Today is a good day, and a good day is today”


Clement’s uncle, Mr. Techi performed the ceremony. He told Austin the he should always be truthful in his work. First, they drank water from the same glass.


Then they drank a sachet of Goal, a liquor ,made from sugar cane. It is really sweet and not that good.

Austin then received the name, Kwame Boa me Bwame

Kwame means Saturday born, and the rest means help me help you.

After the ceremony it was time to eat.


Comfort and Mohammed killed a chicken. Lots of fufu was pounded.


The finished fufu


The biggest, tastiest bowl of soup I have ever seen

IMG_2319 IMG_2320

Eight people all ate out of this one bowl. It was amazing, even if it looks a little gross.

1 comment:

  1. Okay Jenn, all the clothes I've been seeing that is getting made there is badass. I hope you make me something. Find a little boy and tell them I am that size, but fatter and get me a sleeveless shiny shirt!! Well, Scott's prints were pretty rockin too.

    Getting political on that ass!! I may have a political show this year for JRB! Oklahoma conservatives prepare yourself.
