Thursday, April 5, 2012

6th of March Ghanaian Independence Day

On March 6, 1957, Ghana gained independence from Britain under the ruling of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah. It changed its name from the Gold Coast to Ghana at this time as well. It was the first African colony to be granted independence. Many of the schools in our district came to the district capital, Savalugu, to celebrate in a marching competition this independence day. We got a ton of pictures because they were so cute!
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Each school marches around the football pitch, dressed in their school uniforms.
The head of the district education service, the chief district assemblyman, and chief of police wait for the kids to pass by and salute them.
The drummers stand in the middle of the pitch and provide the marching beat.IMG_2371 IMG_2379 IMG_2389The Savalugu School for the Deaf marched as well. The video didn’t turn out, but their salute had perfect timing!IMG_2403 IMG_2405 IMG_2406 IMG_2425
The carpenter’s union even marched

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