Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Garden

We haven't taken nearly enough photos of the farm. Here are a few before and after photos.

Right now we are growing okra, cabbage, aleefu and bra. Aleefu and bra are both leafy greens used in soup. They both can be used like we would use spinach.

This is the garden/farm just as we began weeding

Here are two beds we built

Scott and Ibraheam harvesting aleefu from one of the beds a few monthes later

Jennifer with Ibraheam carrying aleefu to be sent to Tunayili school

This is bra just before harvest

Some girls from Dipale Primary School harvesting bra


  1. So, that's where bras come I get it! Bad joke?

  2. My mom would like to know how you all water the garden. She is highly impressed! Especially with the soil.
