We helped put on an aids awareness event in a nearby village. The first day we went to the school and held some basic education classes with the kids. The next day we had games for the whole community, a dance and movie. It was a blast!
Some of the kids at the school during our lessons.
The kids made cards for people living with HIV in the hospital
Condom demonstrations
This guy processes honey across the street from our house. They call him "the muscles." He is with our closest Peace Corps nieghbor Katy.
Bean bag toss
The bat spin- first you spin around the bat three times then carry a book on your head. These kids have been carrying things on their head since they could walk. It really wasn't much of a challenge.
We had a bunch of relay races too! Some of the new trainees had a team. They started out really slow but came back for the win in the three legged race portion.